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Do I Go To The Dentist?

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abbeylee90 | 20:52 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | How it Works
35 Answers

I got abit of pain on my lower left tooth and not sure if it is root canal 



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If it persists, then yes definitely. Otherwise leave it until your annual check up.

You could ask Ed to put this as the Featured Poll once the Where Do you Shop the Most has finished

This is getting ridiculous now

Yes. 😊

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I have my check up on October 28th

Depends how painful it is.

Nearly two months until your appointment.

I wish I could find a dentist.



It's up to you then, 2 months isn't too long to wait, but it really depends on how persistent it is and your tolerance of any pain. Very much your choice Abbey.  You could ring your dentist and discuss it with the receptionist.

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If I get worse ill have to. Will take pain killers now.

If you're having to resort to painkillers then I suggest you do ring your dentist - they may have a priority slot free, and could include your check up to release the 28th slot for some other sufferer.

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I was fine earlier 

..and now you're not. You may have an abscess.

your dentist has a duty of care to see you in 24 hours, not treat but see you

You probably just need a filling.  No big deal.

If you had an abscess you wouldn't be asking here about going to the dentist.  You'd be hammering on his surgery door.

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What would they do give pain killers?

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Is it maybe best I avoid sugary drinks?

A salt water rinse in your mouth three times a day can help relieve toothache.

You could get Oil of Cloves from a pharmacy.

They say it relieves toothache.

possibly an xray and an examintion to look for damage to the tooth or swelling and recomend pain relief untill they can treat you, normally 2 paracetamol every 4 hours 4 times a day maximum  with 2 ibuprofen in between. (unless you are allergic)

I work in a dental hospital and heard this repeated by nurses and dentists every day

If itis an abcess - you will know very is horribly, horibly painful...................takes over your whole head and body and you can't wait for treatment and don't even care if they pull the tooth out!  In fact you want them to do that to relieve the pain. 

Short of that, you have received very good advice on here.

^^ just recently did that, Jourdain. Previously was given antibiotics but only short term relief.

See dentist Abbey


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Do I Go To The Dentist?

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