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Landline Phones.

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Tilly2 | 19:39 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | How it Works
7 Answers

We no longer have an outside telephone line. We have a Panasonic handset with two aditional phones which we no longer need.

I am going to put them on to Freegle for anyone who wants them. Do I need to do anything beforehand to remove all the data from the phone? I have let the batteries run down. Will this be enough?



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If you have a number phonebook within the handset(s) you will need to delete that.

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I do. Thank you, 237.

Which may mean recharging the batteries?

It might be wise to recharge the batteries anyway Tilly, so they can be tested by any potential new owner before the take them.

Question Author

Yes, Perseverer!  You are right.

I've just found that out. 🙄

We have a Panasonic phone; with ours you can have 2 phonebooks - a common one and one for each handset. If yours is the same make sure you clear all the phonebooks.

I wouldn't expect a stranger to want to enter my home to test a free electrical item. 

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Landline Phones.

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