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Greying Teeth

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smurfchops | 18:49 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
17 Answers

Is there anything over the counter/online to whiten teeth,that are not yellowing from cigarettes, coffee, wine etc but going slightly grey (specially in photos) that I believe comes with age??



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I use the McCleans whitening toothpaste.. I think it's quite good.

bicarbonate of soda, cheap and effective - apply with dry toothbrush,

I look so terrible that I dont thnk my teeth are the leading defect

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I have boughtMySweetSmile powder but it's not working yet which makes me think it's not for greying teeth... just yellow or brown...  

Consider having you teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist and use an electric toothbrush to maximise the brushing effect – I brush my teeth 3 times a day and they don’t anywhere near match the unnatural brilliant white teeth of most TV presenters.

What causes it ? If it's thinning enamal you may want to avoid abrasive whiteners. Maybe use the stuff claimed to repair enamel ? Or ask your dentist about bonding or veneers ?

All the whiteners do is remove stains, but that's not your problem.

Sorry but you cant rectify greying teeth like that, it will require cosmetic dentistry like veneers or crowns.

Dr. Ellie Phillips, a practicing dentist for over 40 years, has developed an affordable home teeth whitening system.

What are teeth? 😄

The fake things you lift from a glass of water and put in your gob each and every morning 10C


She's selling her own gum Psalm. I've adopted her regime, but not as strictly as I might. Not all products she mentions are easily obtained here. But Xylitol gum can be bought from near some of M&S's tills (obviously not the unserviced, 'blow you, you can diy', ones). But the Xylitol is about killing off detrimental bacteria, not for colour changes.

I asked my dentist about "killing off bacteria" stuff (mouthwash in my case) and she was very dismissive.

Mouthwash tends to get all bacteria, which is both like trying to paint the Forth Road bridge, and not really beneficial. My dentist is dismissive of them too, but admitted to regularly using a high fluoride mouthwash.

Oh, those things, 1ozzy! 😄


Had my teeth scaled, polished and whitened at my dentist's. Not cheap but well worth it IMO.

Don't whatever you do have them whitened. They look so unatural, as with Donald Trump etc.

To watch Sky News' Mark Austin I have to put sunglasses on.

Titanium white is not the natural colour of teeth.

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