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local elections

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kevb0444 | 10:00 Thu 04th May 2006 | How it Works
4 Answers
Hi...its the local elections i need a polling card (as i havn't had 1 yet!!)....or do i just turn up?


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Ok...just found out i can't vote today as there ARE elections going on for my local council but not for my "ward" what ever that means.

You obviously live out of one of the main towns (like me). Only 1/3 of 'rural' council seats are up for election. I'm not really sure why they do this nowadays. I think its to give the sitting council more of a chance of staying in power.

Your ward is a mini version of parliamentary constituency. There are about 650 constituencies to make up Parliament; your local council will have about 100-200 wards.

If there had been an election in your area, you would have been able to vote without a polling card - there is no compulsion on the Council to send you one and you are under no obligation to produce it even if they have sent you one.
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Hi..thanks for the answers...helps clear things up a bit : )

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