Yes, there are plenty of studies that say that astrology does not work. One that I can think of off had is where a college professor/scientist/whatever gave a class full of people the same horoscope and asked them to rate how accurate they were. All of the students said that the horoscope fit them perfectly. Sounds like some sort of proof that it's accurate, huh? Nope! They were all given the same horoscope. Of course, that's just one example, but it seems like most studies conclude that the people who believe in astrology simply want to believe or the information they are given is info. that everyone wants to hear about themself or things that are general enough that of course they are going to be true most of the time. Even when parts of it aren't true, if people want to believe, they will conveniently overlook those parts. Although, I'm sure you could find just as many articles that say that it does work, too.