Cable tv in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Cable tv

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carlos | 22:30 Mon 25th Aug 2003 | How it Works
3 Answers
Yesterday I was sorting out my connecting cables on my tv dvd etc. and I came across what looked like a broadband socket on my broadband cable tv decoder. Can anyone tell me what this is for? Can I connect it to my pc? Thanks
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More info needed... What bit of equipment is the socket on? tv? dvd? and what is the model number of this equipment? no doubt if you looked up the model number you might find a site with the information you seek.
Some set-top TV boxes are also modems for cable broadband (eg used by wightcable on the IOW). If you just plug it in it will not work because you have to buy the service from your cable provider.
I had a Pace set top box when I had ntl cable. It was also a broadband cable modem, and the connection was an RJ45 socket on the rear. I can confirm that jbuttonsw is correct, you will need to cross ntl's palm with silver for anything to happen.

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