So then you need to trace the cows origins. Is it fair that with the public health risks, that this cow is allowed to survive whereas all the other sin the chain of possible infection have to be slaughtered.
Of course animal welfare is high on peoples agendas, why do you think these rules are in place?
If they let this cow survive then this sets a precedent. We want an equal society, not one that treats farmers as second rate to any type of commune.
If you want to keep livestock in this country then you have to abide by the rules. If you think the rules suck, then the rules need changing. That would be done at the ballot box, if it bothers you so much I would arm yourself with information about TB and write to your MP.
If you dont believe that farmers arent upset by the effects of Tb. Maybe you would care to email my parents who are shut down with it at the moment. They by choice don't farm intensively but raise a suckler herd.