How do you create paragraphs, when answering questions on Answerbank. Several times I have answered wanting to leave gaps or take a new line, but when I submit, the new paragraphs have disappeared.
You have to use a bit of html. Try typing a < and then typing br and then typing a >. So altogether, you get < br > but without the spaces (if I type it out as you should, you wouldn't see it, it would just... do it... if you see what I mean... Anyway, break (< br >) used once makes the line go down
one line and if you type it twice back to back (< br >< br > but without the spaces)
and a link will take you to a website with a set of basic lessons on italics, bold print, colour etc. Just click on the various 'primer' headings once you get there and work your way through them. Good luck! Oh...but promise not to go overboard once you know how to do these things.
Molly a while back I asked a daft question that managed to pull in 1,700 responses before the ed pulled the plug on it but you would have liked the HTML stuff that went on there.....we had people with flashing and blinking messages and all sorts......if you'd like to see what you can achieve will very basic HTML skills then visit
which myself and indiesinger are members of.....I programmed the front page on that using not much more than what you know now.