Chucking post back in the postbox with 'not known at this address' (this includes ones addressed to 'The Occupier') can stop it too. And it annoys them.
I tried the mail preference service, but after a few months the junk mail starts again and I have to re-register.
I confronted my postman the other day and gave him a pile of it back. I told him not to deliver anything without my address on it. He said he had to because he got paid to.
I've got so fed up with it all now that I just put it all back in the post box like WaldoMcFroog. Hopefully if enough of us start doing this the post office will give up delivering it.
As far as I'm aware, the postman would be committing a criminal offence by not delivering the majority of that mail as they'd be interfering with the mail.
I have heard of people asking the post office not to deliver this stuff with sucess, but there is always the risk that they filter out legit mail.
i think i wil be going with the idea of putting them back in the post box. They have been talking recently about charging dependent on how much waste you create. Why should we be charged for junk mail we don't even want.
i very much doubt any postman would be breaking any laws not delivering un-addressed junk mail.
Anyway, shouldn't we be reducing waste in the first place, not just recycling it?
trevHCS, I have registered several times, in the past few years, with the MPS and it works for a while, then they make a new list and you have to register again.
I have to agree with Hessen's comment:-
"shouldn't we be reducing waste in the first place, not just recycling it?"