Any projectile being ejected from the surface of the Moon (or any other large spherical quasi-panetoid) would follow an elliptical path of which the centre of the Moon is at one focus, and which is approximated by a parabolic path. The orbit of a body around the Moon would be circular, or otherwise elliptical. Bu the elliptical path of the projectile would pass through the surface of the Moon and would be mostly contained within the Moon, whereas the elliptical orbit of the body would be entirely outside the body of the Moon.
In other words, if you hit a golf ball off the surface of the Moon it would fall back to the surface again.
If you hit it fast enough (i.e. greater than escape velocity), it would whizz out into space and never come back again.
(unless it was found and returned by a helpful alien)
(or an unfriendly alien using it as a weapon)