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Removing sticker glue from clothing

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granretired | 18:55 Sun 17th Feb 2008 | How it Works
2 Answers
My "I voted" sticker was washed with my blouse. I now have a glue spot on a dark maroon blouse. Is there a home rememdy to remove the glue from the blouse?


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There is a product on the market called Sticky Stuff Remover. It does say that it can be used on fabric. I have never used it on fabric, but have used it on most other things. Marvellous stuff. The last time I bought it it cost about �3.50. Hope this helps.
It occured to me if you voted recently you may be from the US of A heres a link for there

and one from here if you're not!8976

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Removing sticker glue from clothing

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