Gas Hob in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Gas Hob

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sandramilne | 10:29 Wed 13th May 2009 | How it Works
6 Answers
What makes a gas hob safe from unignited gas if the flame is blown out?
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Yep as AC says, nothing.... flame blows out, kitchen fills with gas, then if there is a source of ignition.... BOOOOM!!

That's why you should never leave a gas hob unattended.
And never switch anything electrical on if you smell gas. That can be a source of ignition.
Wow - the correct answer given, but low on stars cos they didn't like the answer. Nice one!
All I can say is you must have some pretty primitive gas hobs in the UK.

If our gas hob is extinguished, as soon as it starts to cool a safety valve cuts off the supply. If your cooker is of the type where you press the control while lighting it, and don't release the control for a couple of seconds after it's lit, then it has a similar safety cut-out.
the answer is correct, on most hobs if the flame extinguishes then the gas just keeps on coming out. there are now hobs that have thermocouple protection fitted which will cut off the gas if the flame extinuishes, and since the start of last year the law now states that any new gas cooker installed in a flat or other multi-occupancy building MUST have thermocouple protection fitted to every burner.

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