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AB and html

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Mustardmit | 22:17 Tue 12th Jan 2010 | How it Works
16 Answers
Is it not possible to use html in Answer Bank?


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It's a computer based utility that enables posters (or webdesigners etc) to do things like put part of their posts in italics or bold type.
You can also use html to do things like make one word a different colour (usually blue) that you can click on to visit another website without having to fumble about copying and pasting a web address.
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For Pussy:
HTML (Hypertext Markup Lannguage) is the coding which makes up every web page. (Click 'View.Source' to see what really makes up this page)

Mustardmit's post refers to the fact that some web forums allow contributors to type in the codes so that their text appears in colours, or underlined, or in italics, etc.

AB used to allow users to do this but, since AB was 'revamped', it's been disabled. The instructions for doing so are still on the tutorial page:
(under 'posting gudelines') but, unless anything in this post appears in <b>bold</b> or <i>italics</i>, they're not currently working.

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I must learn to type faster ;-)
Question Author
Precisely my point, but in the "tutorial" apparently it is an option:

Not all posts are created equal. To add formatting to your posts or to label a hyperlink, use the basic html code below:

* To italicise: <i>italicise</i>
* To bold: <b>bold</b>
* To underline: <u>underline</u>
* To label a hyperlink: <a href="">my label</a>

...I wonder why it doesn't work now.
Question Author
Whoops -you both beat me to it!
¡ ɥƃnoɥʇ sıɥʇ op uɐɔ noʎ
Question Author
Brilliant, you can't make your text bold or italicise parts of it but you can turn it upside down! Nice one AB mods -very useful :-)
no its not down to them its a copy and paste from this site, sorry to confuse
Question Author
LOL -yayy! I wonder if they have their own way of italicising/boldifying text that over-rides AB's unexplained deficit in this area :-)
You've come to the AB party too late (or perhaps too early).

Up until 2006 AB used a Rich Text method of posting which allowed for clickable buttons to format text in the post textarea (well, those using Internet Explorer could). This was dropped in the name of equality when AB Towers couldn't get it to work in Firefox. This led on to the infamous era when all HTML Tags were allowed and, as is the nature of this site, abused. Rampant scrolling marquees, pages of text vandalised by the omission of closing tags (reams of posts in italics is quite hard on the eyes). AB Ed then chose to parse all tags such that only those listed in the Tutorial were permitted, however the site was revamped 5(?) months ago and in that upheaval all formatting controls were tossed overboard, rendering the Tutorial extinct.

AB Ed has indicated that text formatting will return in "a wee while"...
Question Author
THANK YOU for the info -you are very very.

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AB and html

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