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Bus fares change

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mollykins | 16:26 Mon 10th May 2010 | How it Works
97 Answers
How much notice do they have to give that they are putting the fares up?

Its been several weeks since i've had to use the bus and my mum had only given me 50p to get home but apparantly, it was changed a few weeks ago, that all fares on the route had gone up by 5p. Luckily the person behind me, i kind of know and i think i'd lent her 5p aswell before, so she thankfully gave me the extra money.


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Naa my dad isn't stingey like her but he is rediculously stuborn and tries to bring me up the same way that he brought my siblings up, the oldest of which is now 41.
i thought you did your GCSEs last year, how come youre still in compulsary education?

and how far is school? why dont they provide buses?

If your mum does'nt give you anything more than the 50p a day to get you home from school, she really needs to be told what the implications are if anything was to happen to you, in an emergency and you need money you have'nt got.......tell her, for crying out loud..............I have two older children in High School....they both walk too and from there.......but i make sure they have a £5 note in their pocket, just in case of an emergency arising.
If your mum does'nt give you the money, which is unbelievable, and you can access money from your account, then i would take about £10 out....go to a shop for change, and take a litle extra each day with you, so you are not short, if anything happens.
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no i'm 16, in my final compulsory year and doing 17 more gcse exams, starting next week.

School is roughly 2 miles (cycling it is just under 2 miles and by road is just over 2 miles), and we have to be 3 miles to get a free bus. I might have been able to pay for a school bus, but noone in my direction is over 3 miles so they don't have to put one on.
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But she's so stingey yogi, up until january she'd gotten away with not getting me a birthday present (from september) She'd told me that she'd paid towards the boat, but she hadn't so dad made her pay for the club memebrship, dinghy park and broads licence.
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yeah i've already done my art, and half of my maths and 1/3 of my science exams, and to get my 11 gcse's i need to do 17 more exams.
Sorry Molly, there's stingey.... and then there's irresponsible.....far be it for me to judge your mum, but i think she needs to realise that you cant be 2 miles away at school with just 50p in your pocket, in case of an emergency.
Just a shot in the dark, Molly,...... but your mum's not called Suzie, is she?
ah so 11 gcses not 17.

dont you go to cadets or something? who pays for that?
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I have a phone that's on a contract, that gives me 300 mins and texts, which is far more than i'd ever use a month. And its not a rough area, and its not dark yet.
lol, don't be soft Yogi. I'm assuming Molly here has a mobile phone?

I should imagine if molly tells her mum that her bus fare is now 55p, her money will increase to that amount. If not ,then she's walking. It won't kill her, its only 2 miles for heavens sake.
you could be right, yogi, it may explain suzies long thread if shes a tight@rse
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umm my dad pays most weeks, but sometimes he doesn't have the right change so my mum has to fork out a whole £2!!!!!!!!!

and i think they go halves on any trips i do.
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BOO, i have a bad foot which means i shouldn't walk or run to far, unfortunately, cycling doesn't hurt it and is a good way or exercising most of the rest of me.
so ask you dad for the 5p.


or ask them for the money they pay out for you phone, cadets, buses, etc and work out yourself how to budget it
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no yogi, my mum isn't called suzie, why?
Molly you're not really called Elsie are you?
Innit odd how these excuses come out afterwards Molly? ;-)

I'm sure if you told your mum that the fare is now 55p, then she'll give you that amount, so all this is academic really isn't it?

If not, I fail to see why you can't use your bike anyway, thus saving you (your mum) the 55p per day.
Craft, I was thinking along the same lines!!

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