Can anyone tell me what the young girl tells her dad over the phone that makes her mum flustered? (something to do about her being a Bridesmaid)
I am referring to the fixed line telephone advert, where the young girl complains to her mum that her dad only speaks to her for a short time, because he is on a mobile.
the mum and dad arent together, she is now with the toyboy and the little girl does say they are getting married. I guess that shocks the mum because she hasnt told her ex husband yet
obviously not seen the whole series, mum and dad are divorced, mum is marrying a younger bloke played by the one who played the idiot older son in my family mum has obviously not kept ex in the loop and did not expect to be dropped in it..
This is the first advert the father has appeared in. This series has been running a number of years now from courting to meeting the kids to toyboy working away to moving in toghether to buying a new house and the prospective wedding.
Yes I now remember some I did not think it was an ongoing story.
I just feel sorry for that wimp she is marring, she seems such a control freak, especially when she has got her future husband and the Estate Agent working late to pick a house on the Web.
He got a good job offer and moved away. i assumed that he was looking at houses in the new location and reporting back to her at the old location.
Is he really supposed to be a toyboy? I can't see much age difference myself.
Also, why should she keep the ex in the loop?
Surely we all miss a beat when we hear an ex is getting married, whatever the reason for the break-up?
I think this series of ads is trying to replicate the Gold Blend ones (for those old enough to remember) which created a storyline of a couple getting together with each new ad.