are slimline dishwashers any good? im thinking not everything would fit in in one go so things would be left out on the side, especially pans etc. only two of us to wash up for at the moment but it does my head in every night.
I had a dishwasher for years but when we moved house there was only room for a slimline one. It is rubbish. I find my large plates dont fit in it and if I cook a sunday dinner (there are only 2 of us) there is no way everything will go in. Dont even ask me what happens when we have guests for dinner! If you really hat washing up (like me) get one but you are still going to have to do washing up as well.
if you have the space in your kitchen i'd go for a full size one. if not then a slimline one would do. dishwashers are worth their weight in gold whatever size.
I have a full size one an dwouldn't be without it - I never wash up - all the pots go in it too - super shiny pans! My sister only had room for a slimline and there was 4 of them and they managed but just washed through some of the things if it was a big dinner. I should think that a slimline would be enough on a day by day basis for the two of you - are you out all day? If so, you are really just talking about breakfast bowls and you dinner stuff. beware you don't just dirty stuff for the sake of it though- my husband can dirty 4 plates a chopping board and about 3 knifes just making a side salad - and it does it cos he knows he doesn't have to wash up anything!
I still wash a few things up (I have Anolon pans that aren't dishwasher-proof) but I still love the dishwasher. It sterilises everything and it seems much cleaner than doing it by hand.
I set mine on the half hour wash and open up the dishwasher shortly after it finishes the cycle. The pots air-dry in minutes.
I'd hate to be without a dishwasher. Here's a little tip .... use half a dishwasher tablet per wash. Many folks do this and say that they get just as good a result as when using a full tablet.