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phoenix gas prepayment meter card error 35

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GillianD | 20:39 Fri 04th Feb 2011 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
can anyone help me i have the quantum prepayment card with phoenix gas I have topped up my card with £15.00 and when i try to put it into the meter it is saying card failure 35 of course Phoenix Gas (totally useless) are only open 8.30-4.30 on a Friday and it is totally freezing here and i am nearly out of gas and have a two year daughter with me!! this is the first this has ever happened

any one any ideas whats wrong?

any help greatly appreciated



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I've had this before, and if I remember rightly it was Transco I phoned. I think they are actually responsible for the Quantum Meter (I am not with British Gas either, but Transco still seem to deal with the meters) Try giving them a call - even if it's not up to them to fix it they might be able to offer more advice.
On checking, Transco now appears to be National Grid - their helpline number is 0845 6066766
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