I bought an item on EBay which I've paid for via paypal . This took place about 2 weeks ago. After a week passed and still no sign of item I decided to contact seller. The seller responded saying the payment hasn't fully gone through to her account. So I check the status at my end and it says payment 'unclaimed' There are a few reasons why this can happen and I sent an email to the seller showing the reasons why (she is new to eBay)
She said she would get it sorted asap and have it delivered, however I needed this item for a specific date and there was no chance it was hoping to get delivered in time so I asked her if she wouldn't mind cancelling and refunding me the money, which she is happy to do.
The problem I have is that she has already left positive feedback for me. There is no option to cancel the transaction and I'm a bit stuck as to where to go from here.
In summary
I've paid ( £60 out of my account )
She's left me positive feedback for payment
Its unclaimed by her for whatever reason
She doesn't know how to cancel transaction
No option to offer refund??