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I Am Considering Making A Complaint...

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Jeza | 22:13 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
To whom I don't as yet know (but I will find out)

What I want from the good people of AB is to post on this thread any cold calls you have received about buying and paying up front for your own funeral.

Other people must have received these calls. I think it was just unfortunate that they rang me today. At least I hope it was.


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It's not happened to me personally Jeza, but I will ask around my family.
Good idea to make a stand against this, I think it's appalling.
New one on me Jeza - had PPI etc etc but no funeral plans.
I have received cold calls on many different topics but never this one Jeza, did you ask the Company name or were you too stunned?
If you've got a phone that stores the last calls received you might be able to get the number they called you from.
Take some tips from Tom Mabe
Jeza, what you have experienced especially at a time like this infuriates me, and I would willingly write to that company myself on your behalf - but a complaint won't stop it. Put it behind you. You have enough on your plate. x
I've never received a call of this type but did receive direct mailing once I reached a certain age.

I think it has been an unfortunate coincidence and nothing more sinister.

If you haven't already,subscribe to the TPS to reduce unwanted calls.
I don't get cold calls (only use mobile), but i do think it's incredibly insensitive. If you can find out who it was, i think you should complain. It just may prevent someone else in a similar position experiencing the same.
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No idea of the company who called. It never crossed my mind at the time. After the call ended the phone rang again but I let it ring. So 1471 was not an option.
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I do have TPS Eccles but it does not stop all unwanted calls.
I expect the number was withheld anyway.
Naomi, me too. I am furious about this, on behalf of Jeza.
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Someone must have had one of these calls. It can't only be me.
Don't wind yourself up. Complaints won't stop these people. It's the way they work. Take care of you and yours. x
I'm afraid it sounds to me that whoever called you had information of potentially vulnerable people and are hard faced enough to make the calls.

I feel for you x
Never had one. The problem is of course it's a legitimate product or service to sell, so I'm not sure what the basis of your complaint would be. It came at a bad time for you but they wouldn't continue to sell in this manner if they didn't have success. I think you are stop per tuned in when you are in a situation. For example after the kids died all I sawon tv were ads for milk, baby products or those showing happy families. Logic tells me there are plenty of these ads on all the time but I just noticed then more at that time
Never had a call of this type, there's lots advertised on TV though.

It doesn't bear thinking about, but if this wasn't a 'cold call' I'd be ropeable.

We have a system where you should be able to exclude yourself from unwanted calls, mind you, they still get thru regardless !!
Jeza, I completely agree with bednobs' really logical response. YOU are upset right now because of YOUR particular situation. The huge Earth continues to rotate despite our individual misfortunes. In your case, the call was a most unfortunate coincidence...and that's it.

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