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Roof Tile Damage

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Supertec57 | 11:02 Mon 25th May 2020 | Insurance
6 Answers
My car was damaged by a roof tile landing on it, can I claim on insurance or not?


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You don't say whose tile it is. Homeowners' insurance should cover damage to third parties.
11:45 Mon 25th May 2020
Depends on what your policy covers, but I would think that you can claim.
Course you can, that is what your car insurance is for.
You don't say whose tile it is.
Homeowners' insurance should cover damage to third parties.
It could be that your house insurance covers it.
Be careful, you might find your premiums go up after making a claim.

You might end up no better off, or even out if pocket.
If its not your own roof tile then claim of the property owner's building insurance.

If its your own roof tile then its a bit different. You have to weigh up the cost of the car repair against the cost of increased premiums.

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