Moving and jobs
I want to move house next year (Dorset to Kent) and be a part-time student. However I will still need some part-time work. I can do part time teaching which is what I am doing now, in several places. However, I have this fear that if I send off a load of CVs and CD demos to lots of schools/colleges, nothing will happen, and I will be stuck.
At the same time I am really lame at cold calling, and hate doing it.
What is the best way to get a job that isn't advertised? Do you write to the Head of Dept or Human Resources? Do you follow it up with a phone call?
I have only ever got jobs before through knowing somebody and being in the right place at the right time. But if I don't get enough work (3 days a week) before I go, I won't be going anywhere! And I need to rent my house/give up my jobs here, so I have to be certain I will GET work!
Help please!x