Have you ever worked in a team - i.e. on a project at university? If so, how did you communicate with them?
Have you ever had a disagreement with someone that you worked with? Again, how did you communicate with them to resolve that disagreement.
How do you choose the most appropriate communication channel. For example if you have to give bad news to some one, it may be easier for you to do it via email. But you should probably do it face to face if you can, and over the phone if you can't.
There are lots of different communication methods. The obvious ones like those mentioned already. However there is also verbal vs non verbal - something like 90% of what people 'hear' when talking to someone face to face is made up of the body language they're observing and the tone of their voice rather than what the person is actually saying. Do you know anything about body language? If not, why not look it up on the net and then start putting some of the things that you've learnt into action - see if it gets results (it will).
Thinking about all the above, look at your question again.
How will the type of communication that you use vary for different audiences? Would the way you speak to a group of 20 somethings arranging a stag party be different to that of a 50 something gentleman wanting to plan a birthday party for his wife?
Think of the things that you might be doing in the role you're applying for. Take two polar opposite types of people or scenarios (one person, or 100 people etc). Think how the way you would communicate with them would differ.
Good luck!