Crosswords5 mins ago
Poor Handwriting
12 Answers
Does anyone know of any evening classes/ tutors/ organisations etc., that could help my Grandson with his handwriting? his handwriting has deterioated over the months (I can hardly read it let alone his teachers ) and I would like any info that could be useful, thank you in advance.
My son suffered (still does and he's 20 now) with this - it looks like a 5 year olds! He was diagnosed with dysgraphia which didn't really help. There are some strategies here: http://www.n s-learning-d isabilities/ dysgraphia/w hat-is-dysgr aphia but as I say he still suffers from it. The up side is that in every day life now we rarely write and...
14:28 Wed 20th Nov 2013
My son suffered (still does and he's 20 now) with this - it looks like a 5 year olds!
He was diagnosed with dysgraphia which didn't really help.
There are some strategies here: http:// www.ncl ypes-le arning- disabil ities/d ysgraph ia/what -is-dys graphia but as I say he still suffers from it.
The up side is that in every day life now we rarely write and now he's at University he's allowed to type exams and uses recorders and voice recognition software to take notes.
He was diagnosed with dysgraphia which didn't really help.
There are some strategies here: http://
The up side is that in every day life now we rarely write and now he's at University he's allowed to type exams and uses recorders and voice recognition software to take notes.
at work there are loads of practice books and blank practice books with decent lines to use as a guide. None of the books are expensive , maybe £4.99 or so, the litte practice excercise books are less than £1 and apparently really help take the child's focus off the actual task of being neat and more towards forming the letter correctly.
Many years ago I can remember all the class being taught cursive handwriting . A flowing easy on the eye style that I for one took a great pride in . Then ,I think round about 60s/70s someone in the education system decided that children should be left to develop their own individual style. Many children started to write in a very childish rounded style and used circles instead of dots for the letter'i'. Their handwriting didn't flow and was difficult to read but the teachers didn't seem to mind . You could perhaps mention it at the next parents evening and ask what method ,if any, that they use.
Thank you all so much, (he is 12yrs old Daisy) we have managed to get him some help with his handwriting, he needs to slow down and concentrate, the quicker he tries to do homework for instance the worse his writing gets, I think like most 12yr olds it is "get the homework done a.s.a.p and get on to other things" Once again thank you all so much for your interest. I do appreciate it.
iWRITE | Students Factory
iWRITE is the International Handwriting Competition in two Languages, English & Arabic. Competition is classified into two categories; School and General Category. It is freely open to all from anywhere in the world to submit their entries online on our website. Participants are requested to write the same quote published by us every year on our website. iWRITE is the first step Students Factory takes towards the gamification approach, other activities are coming soon.
iWRITE is the International Handwriting Competition in two Languages, English & Arabic. Competition is classified into two categories; School and General Category. It is freely open to all from anywhere in the world to submit their entries online on our website. Participants are requested to write the same quote published by us every year on our website. iWRITE is the first step Students Factory takes towards the gamification approach, other activities are coming soon.