Can anyone tell me what was the word used when in an English lesson you had to split a sentence into Subject, Predicate, Verb, Adverb, etc. (old school!!). You had to "something" a sentence. Thank you
Sorry, I can't remember the word you mean but I do remember doing just that in English language lessons at the Grammar school I went to in the late sixties. I actually used to enjoy doing it. Love the English language!
The system was called Analysis at my school. Dividing the sentence into clauses was General Analysis, giving all the intimate details of each word was particular Analysis or Parsing.
I have seen pupils' work put up on the wall and the spelling is atrocious.
2 + 2 is always 4 so why are spelling mistakes not corrected? Oh, is it because we must not stifle any creative genius that may surface? You can be a creative genius but it would not be much good if what you wrote could not be understood due to spelling mistakes.
I realise that language is always evolving but surely ship is always spelt s h i p....rant over....gets down from soapbox and goes to lie in a darkened room.