High Milage? in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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High Milage?

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muchlovex | 14:34 Tue 10th Aug 2010 | Motoring
6 Answers
Is 39300 high milage for a 06 reg car?
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not really its roughly 10k a year
About 10,000 miles a year (200 a week). Not excessive, I would say.
Doesn't sound bad but depends on the type of journeys. If it's been stop start short journeys the wear on the engine and other parts will be higher that if it has done good long trips.
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Thank you for your replies. McMouse, we have made long journeys from Cornwall to Durham so it should be ok. We always service the car at regualr intervals also.
Why did you pose the question. Initially I thought you were buying a car It comes across as "I've done 39300 miles, am I driving too much"
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