Inadvertently found ourselves at the Severn Valley Railway Gala Event today (we were going to the RAF museum). Anyway, they had lots of important steam engines pulling the trains and there were loads of people there. We went on the train and the fields were full of people photographing the engines (can understand why there were so many people as I don't suppose they get to see these trains working very often). What I didn't understand, was why quite a few of the people in the fields, nowhere near the tracks, felt the need to wear high viz jackets - is it some sort of identifier for the really ardent trainspotters? (Ps - if you get the chance I would recommend it for a visit when the steam engines are there, not the same with a diesel engine i should think.)
we used to go all over the country sherrardk on a ''rail rover'' ticket hours of fun and we travelled everywhere didnt wear a hi viz tho..a parker maybe on occasions lol...
There were loads of them (hundreds in the fields) I was really amazed - the kids thought it was brill (but they were all filthy from sticking their heads out of the windows).
The problem with everybody wearing high viz jackets is they lose their impact. My next door neighbour wears his when gardening, not sure who the warning is for, perhaps he has an extra wide wheelbarrow. :-)