pharmacists in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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funkychicken | 23:26 Mon 18th Apr 2005 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
If anybody is a pharmacist let me know, I have lots of questions!
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I am. Fire away.....
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1. is it true that at the end of uni you don't actually have to apply for jobs, people come to you and say they want you?
2. is it hard work?
3. would you recommend doing it as a career?

I think thats all for now...
thank you =)

I refer to my earlier answer...

http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Jobs_and_Careers/Question 91364.html

It is true that the good students are fought over at the end of university, but recently there have been fewer places available for pre-registration training (what you have to do for a year after you leave uni) so those who have not mae an effort fall behind or can't continue.

Job prospects are good and it is a career you can be reasonably well rewarded in without having to try too hard, if that is your limited desire.

Is it hard? If you can get into the course at uni and pass it, then qualify, then you should be OK.

Would I recommend it - yes. But I wanted to do it from day one. It would not be something you could do because you didn't know what you wanted to do......

Good luck!

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