fraud by misrepresentation using supermarket voucher. in The AnswerBank: Criminal
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fraud by misrepresentation using supermarket voucher.

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Coreman | 19:13 Wed 14th Dec 2011 | Criminal
38 Answers
Just wanted to have some views on this.

My friend was attested for fraud by misrepresentation for using a supermarket coupon more then once. Most of the vouchers are unique but 2 of them was the same coupon but in 2 separate transactions. The voucher states that you can only use the voucher once. You have to visit the supermarket website to print it out, however you can more then 1 of them. The supermarket staff does not ask for the reciept at the time so that you could use the voucher again and again. etc.

A couple of months before this he was stoped and the police was called to the supermarket and the polcie told him that he had found a loophole but should give it arest for the day. He was allowed to leave without arrest. In further contact with the police about that time the officers are saying that the store didnt offer anything to the police for arrest.

The voucher states that you need to bring the reciept with you but he left it in the car but the supermarket would not allow him to go and fetch it and in all the time with the police he was not asked to provide them. I guess using the voucher more then once in the same supermarket but in 2 transaction would mean that it does not matter.

My question is that if you break a terms and condition that is misredemption which in the UK is not illegal.

To bring you upto date. He was charged with it. When to Court and asked for this to be heard in a crown court and pled not guilty.

A couple of more questions would be that if you print a voucher on the net and then printed the same one again is that the same voucher? If you bought a mars bar in the store, does that mean your allowed to take them all? The are the same. a copy.. If you get my point.
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Sorry,but I don't believe you. No Supermarket or the Police would bother with something as trivial as this.
Question Author
Why would I ask a question thats not true? lol
I'd be amazed if anyone has the slightest idea what you are talking about!
You tell me. By the way it could well be true,but in my opinion it is not.
so where's the voucher from?

and what has your friend been charged with, precisely?
Question Author
It is true. I just want to know if you use a supermarket coupon more then once is that illegal. The coupons are unique. 5 vouchers used in 1 transaction and 5 vouchers in the other one. 1 of the 5 was the same in both transaction.
if your friend is in crown court, I'd say the CPS consider he has committed a criminal offence.

but I'm doubtful. it's not cost effective to have such a piffly case heard by jury.
What Cop shop or Court would want to get involved with such a silly scam .. advantage .. (call it what you will) .. unless there are other factors .. like theft .. D&D .. etc etc. ??
Out of interested much money was saved by using the vouchers?
Question Author
He was charged with fraud by misrepresentation, He was going this week for a commital hearing but the CPS didnt have the commital papers ready so it was adjourned. The Solicitor said something about insufficient evidence for a crown court.
now you're contradicting yourself!
I dont believe CPS would pursue this.
doesnt the checkout person normally either take the coupon once used or void it by writing on it?

anyone who I have witnessed using a voucher have had the voucher retained by the store once used.
How much are the vouchers for mate ? Me and you could go into business - you run off the vouchers and I travel the globe cashing them in a variety of disguises , I'll go halves with you honest
16 pence, Sherrard.

Beggars belief they didn't just tick him off or caution.
Joke. We are paying good taxes to waste court time for this crap?
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BTW.. he was offered a caution but refused it.
ignore my question, I didnt read that you were printing them off the internet
i think your talking about the asda vouchers if so i have always had to show my recept else they wont accept the voucher i cnat see something this trivial going to court
what's the total value of his "fraud"?
Question Author
bigbadmarty, The vouchers are for £20

sara3, Im just saying what was said to him about it.

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fraud by misrepresentation using supermarket voucher.

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