Does it make sense for someone working as a temp for provisionally 1 month to go for a permanent job but part time ? I got an interview next week for a part time role, but the role is very good for me as I am highly experienced in it but its part time ? I am also considering another role that has come out which really suits my background but again part time.
Does it make sense to go for these jobs even though they are part time ?
If the part-time salary is enough to live on go for the part-time jobs. They sound just what you want and they may lead to more hours in the future or you might find a second job to do for a few more hours. If your current job is only temporary you might end up with a job you don't like when it finishes.
These days new full-time jobs can be hard to come by. If it gets your foot in the door on a permanent basis, and you can afford to do it, then I would go for it.
I think the answers to these questions will provide you with the answer; my view has always been that we spend a lot of time working (even with a part time job) so do what makes you happy, providing you can live on the salary.