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Temporary closure of workplace-employer/employee rights

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Outtheway | 10:40 Thu 16th Aug 2012 | Law
5 Answers
I work part time (10hrs/week) my work place is due to be "closed" for eight months for refurbishment what rights do the employer & employee have? there is no provision in the contract of employment for this and alternative employment is not really available, any advice/thoughts would be gratefully recieved.


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First question- how long have you worked there? If for less than a year they can just dismiss you (subject to notice). If you have been there longer it sounds like redundancy.
I'm not sure whether this applies here
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I've been employed there for over four years, i don't think though that the employer wants to make me redundant but it is quite a long period of closure
The employer has a duty of care to take reasonable steps to ensure the workplace is safe for employees and visitors; this may be the reason for carrying out refurbishment. It seems odd that an employer is able to close a workplace for this period of time and expect to regain their share of the market again afterwards. It would seem unlikely that most employees would be able to accept 8 months without pay and redundancy may be considered for employees who satisfy the requirements, remember as a part time worker you are entitled to the same rights as a full time worker and redundancy is a potentially fair reason for dismissal
There is strength in numbers, if you are a member of a trade union get them involved, speak to your colleagues who are in a similar position and approach your employer to establish their intentions.
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Many thanks for your comments/advice factor30 & tonywiltshire

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Temporary closure of workplace-employer/employee rights

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