In an English exam that I did, we had a student teacher (female) who was particularly attractive, in an English teacher way. During the exam we were in rows, far enough apart so we couldn't cheat, with one teacher at the back of the room and one at front. During the exam the student teacher was walking up and down the rows looking at the work we were doing, at one point she walked past the class comedian, looked at his work then walked forward, when she did this he stuck his hand out and pretended to grab her bum, at the same time looking back and grinning like a plonker, she decided to step backward to appraise his work again and without realising it actually did grab her bum. She turned round and gave him the most almighty clip round the ear to everyone else's delight! After things had settled down the English teacher himself, who was a bit of character, walked down the row to the lad in question, bent down and whispered in his ear "was it worth it". Still makes me laugh but then I'm easily pleased!