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dondons | 22:07 Sat 16th Nov 2013 | Jobs & Education
14 Answers
Is zero an integer?


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One definition is: a member of the set of positive whole numbers {1, 2, 3, . . . }, negative whole numbers {-1, -2, -3, . . . }, and zero {0}.
22:09 Sat 16th Nov 2013
One definition is: a member of the set of positive whole numbers {1, 2, 3, . . . }, negative whole numbers {-1, -2, -3, . . . }, and zero {0}.
We just need Buenchico now to confirm it too
>>>We just need Buenchico now to confirm it too

Hmmm, let me think . . . . .

Er, . . .

Hang on a moment, . . .

Erm, . . .

Oh, YES!
so ForF, whole numbers, then!

yes zero is and integer but what is worrying me is why is there doubt enough to even ask the question?
Because we're not all as brainy as you TTT.
no maths or brains needed, look it up in the dictionary!

Integer = Whole number! tada!
Oh how I wish I was as clever as you - NOT.
you mean you are happy to be less intellegent? that's very interesting because I was just going to ask a question related to that sort of attitude.
Good question dondon

TTT the question is asked for us who wonder why there is a letter for integers without zero N (bold N that one)
and a different one Z for the set that includes zero

and also in this:

you have this:
There is no universal agreement about whether to include zero in the set of natural numbers: some define the natural numbers to be the positive integers {1, 2, 3, ...},

so go on asking Donjon and (some of us) will be pleased to help
Good point , PP.

On a similar topic I knew an experienced maths teacher who swore blind that 0 was not an even number. She could talk for ages about it but I never understood her arguments.

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