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Self Employed

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jack daniels | 13:07 Wed 29th Jul 2015 | Jobs & Education
9 Answers
Hi Abers

I may be able to get a job where I am working for somebody else but would be classed as self employed, since I've never done that i am a little unsure of what to do. Can somebody advise me on what this would involve forms, tax and anything i haven't thought of wise

i would like to know in layman's terms rather then going to websites and reading jargon


Anna x


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if you are working for someone else you are not self employed
Are you fully aware that this is sometimes a loophole to save the employer from paying employers NI?
Generally you shouldn't be self-employed if you only have one 'customer'
The only real difference is that you will have to fill in your online self assessment form each year. This is a lot easier to do than a lot of people think. Just keep a record of your income and outgoings - quite straightforward.
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Hi bednobs

thats what i initially thought but what she does is run a non profit making home help 'business'
you go to her for 'contacts' its then up to me to choose which clients i would like. she invoices the client & keeps £2.50 of it for herself & the rest of it goes to the worker, although she pays the wage itself if the invoices have not been paid on time.
the more i think about it the more i think shes a boss!
i am going to have to find out more, she claims it keeps health & safety/insurance costs and other things low
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thanks Quoi, i think this is whats making me think there's too much red tape involved. I've always been working where i have a boss and so never had to worry about tax NI etc
Is that £2.50 an hour, or £2.50 per contact?
is there such a thing as a non-profit making "business"?
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£2.50 per client Mosaic
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sorry that should have read £2.50 per hour per client
So, they're going to take what percentage of your earnings? 25% And at the same time avoid paying NI, and claim to have no duty of care for you, as you're self employed.
You sure you want to get into that?

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