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What Was Your First Job?

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AB Editor | 13:19 Thu 05th May 2016 | Jobs & Education
54 Answers
And would you ever want to go back to it? Maybe part time in retirement for example?


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Saturday girl in Woolworth.
My first job was a Saturday job which in school holidays was a full time position. On leaving school I toyed with getting a full time adult job with them, but I went on to do something office based.
Forgot to add mine was also in Woolworths!!!
Hop picker, pay was fab for a 13y old. Sadly land is developed.
My first paid job was part time whilst still at school working at a Maypole grocery shop. Remember them? This would have been around 1956-59. I was paid about 10 shillings(50p) a week.

I worked a couple of night's a week after school and Saturday's. My job was to keep the stock room clean plus anything else the manageress wanted. I also delivered groceries on a bicycle with a basket on the front. This earned me a bit more from tips.

I would do it again if I was 13-15 years old once more and if such a job exists these days.
Apart from paperboy, a Saturday and school holiday job in Lennard's shoe shop. We had to wear suits and address all customers as sir/madam.
Chalet maid in an utterly dreadful holiday camp ? You must be joking
working in an Express Dairies shop and hell no.
Apart from polishing, dusting and weeding the garden for my mum as an infant - first paid job was assistant during the Summer holiday on the Bacon and Ham stall in Rawson Market, Bradford (bet that's died the death!).
No I wouldn't go back to it - I developed 'bacon rash' my first ever allergy a reaction to the curing of the sides and rolls I had to handle. After that came a Saturday job at Stead and Simpson's shoeshop- children's dept. Yes, I'd give that a go again, if the firm still existed :(
Dishwasher in a large hotel as a schoolboy, then I learned the trade as a monumental mason (grave stones etc) No I wouldn't go back to either of them unless I was desperate!
My first, at fifteen, was in an office straight from school. Six weeks in my mother decided, aided by a knife and broom, that I should leave home in the middle of a Friday night......☺....she was at her most bonkers then....

I had to move to shift work in a factory to earn enough to keep myself...I hated the work and the shifts....

Took me ages to get on my feet and get the qualifications to work with children who were deaf or had special needs......and some who were just naughty......but I loved every minute of that.

If dreaded OFSTED didn't exist......and schools were as they were when I started I may have considered going back part time when MrG died......x
I did the usual hotel/B&B work that kids of 14 did on a Saturday and then I worked behind a bar when I was at collage. When I eventually retire I wouldn`t mind a job behind a bar again. Not a trendy pub like last time when I was 17 but something more suited to the age I would be such as a golf club. We had such a laugh behind the bar and I still smile when I think of the antics we used to get up to.
Hotel porter, the boss was a great bloke, his wife was a right cow, No, I would not go back to it.
gness, I've just started as a volunteer reading assistant at our local secondary. OFSTED can't touch me!!! Yippee!
When the inspectors visit, J....offer to make their coffee.....Ex-lax chocolate melts really well in coffee....

When we had our first OFSTED my head asked me to sort out their B&B....he said he knew later it was a mistake to ask me.....I booked them into the cruddiest, noisiest, run down B&B I could find in town......☺
First part time job, after school and Saturday, was delivering fruit, flowers and vegetables on an old fashioned 'trade bike'. Really hard work, sometimes a full sack of spuds out to a village 5 or 6 miles out of town. All for 10 bob a week!
First 'proper' job was as a trainee Laboratory Technician for ICI Plastics division research dept.
Then spent the next 40 years in various Laboratory's from Zambia to Saudi Arabia as well as the UK.
Made redundant at 58 and took the only job I could get, as a washer up 'kitchen porter' for a large catering company, working in 8 or 9 different kitchens including hospitals and Cambridge University.( where they were amazed to have a kitchen porter with a degree in Chemistry!)
I'd go back to most of them especially Zambia, but not the trade bike!
T & G Allan, jackdaw. Just across the road from The Northern Goldsmiths.
Blackett Street, Jackdaw.
outside the family business, worked on a building site..made more playing blackjack than the wages.... No.

Student holiday job working in a greengrocers and supplier of frozen food to restaurants and hotels in the Lakes was fun - worked there for 3 summers, 2 Easters and ended up running the place while the boss went off on holiday.
Knew it well, Chrissa. Often used to go there, just next door to the Post Office. Alas sadly gone, now.

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