First paid job was a paper round also had a Saturday job at the local butchers shop, loved the job at the butchers great fun got the sack though.
Apprentice toolmaker after leaving school.
Would I go back to it part time in retirement, doubt if it would be as much fun working on a Saturday at the butchers shop these PC days.
Holiday job doing maintenance work at the local sewage treatment plant ...
... god how I hated Monday morning when I had to use a pointy stick to pull the used condoms out of the holes on the rotating sprinklers - it sometimes seemed that the whole of Aylesbury had been on a non-stop weekend bonkathon.
With the NCB a, trainee mechanical/electrical engineer age 16yrs 6 months. I don't count the paper boy, oatcake delivery lad, football match programme seller, ice skate rink polisher, or 14 yr old school holiday builders labourer as jobs. Yes I would go back........ as long as I could know, what I know now. Down the mine before I was 17. Grew up PDQ.