I became self-employed in January 2017. I filed my 2016/17 tax return and as the business was new, I opted not to make the voluntary Class 2 National Insurance Contributions to save a few pennies.
I am currently pregnant, expecting early 2018.
I recently accepted an employment which is on an adhoc basis and as a result, would not qualify for maternity payments through my employer.
I am fully intending on claiming maternity allowance:
There is a vast difference between the minimum payments of £27 for 14 weeks, and the full payments of £27 for 39 weeks.
Do I need to have paid those voluntary NICs to qualify?
The calculator at the above link shows I do qualify for the 39 weeks, but the link states “you’re self-employed and pay Class 2 National Insurance (including voluntary National Insurance)”.
Should I amend my tax return?