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What Shall I Do About This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 16:56 Tue 28th Nov 2023 | Jobs & Education
383 Answers

Yesterday I got a txt from my job at the care home to say there is no point doing 3 hours per week so will send my p45 and next week wages. Think I might have told you this but they reduced my hours from 30 to 9 hours per week I'm now in a cleaning job cleaning houses 21 hours per was longer Monday-Wednesday but I'm not sure about so hoping to do warehouse work.I regret my decision now to change my days in the care home. I've not had a good day today as supervisor giving me a hard time saying I haven't touched things when I've tried to clean them and it's bad cleaning she find it hard to believe I was a cleaner . They reckon I'm not listening but concentration is my weekness 



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Think it make things better for me

Free autism self assessment test...found on my local NHS hospitals website. You can download

Read the article with it too.

The way I see it, Abbey, is that work is your priority at the moment - doing well, impressing your manager, getting on with the rest of the team, etc.  Maybe less time contacting Answerbank would help you focus on the daily grind.x

Abbey we are all, here on answerbank, trying so hard to help. Because of my own experiences with so much autism (although not claiming to be expert) I am so upset that you are struggling and cannot understand why, to the point of losing sleep and not eating , yet this autism diagnosis might open your eyes and allow you to see that some situations have been beyond your control or capabilities. If your mum knew you had autism she would be more understanding.

Maybe show your mum some of your messages on here to show her how worried you have been to tell her about your work problems. 

We are all here for you and are praying that you listen to our advise.

We only want the best for you xx

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Thank you will show her autism symptoms via Google although she said she thought I had aspergillus doctor said I didn't. I was starved of oxygen when I was born she knows that.

Abbey, you shouldn't have to discuss with the receptionist the reason you need an appointment (unless it's an emergency.) Just say that you'd rather discuss it with a doctor. 

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I'll say I got issues I need to discuss with a doctor. Also is an autism trait being selective when it comes to people?

My autistic female friend 35 is delightful, bubbly and overall gorgeous. I love her to bits. However  she struggles to concentrate or listen, is totally indecisive and needs a hundred comments from friends to feel she is making a good decision on anything.

She puts way too much emphasis on silly insignificant things that really don't matter. She always feels like she not doing enough or that she is not good enough and even after constant positive praise and feedback she struggles. 

I am sure that from your messages there are issues that you have. But if your mum or family have never been involved with an autistic person they will probably not immediately understand. One thing I need to make clear though is AUTISTIC DOES NOT MEAN STUPID!! so please do not think that. My sons and my friends are all very intelligent, resouceful and capable.

Knowing you have autism could open up many opportunities and help or support that you have probably needed for many years. It could help you and stop you feeling so disheartened. 

Hoping you have a better day at work tomorrow, but hope you take some of the advice offered. Please read back through all the messages when you have time on Thursday. There is such good advice that might be the key to your future happiness. Xx

Yes being selective with people could be a teait

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Thank you and repetitive?

Repetitive is probably a big one or biggest one also for autism - def for my sons and friends.

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Is it easier to settle in a job once yiu know the problem?

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If i get told of not listening tomorrow do I tell them think I might have autism?

Of course! There so much information  out there and advice etc hopefully u will get put in touch with your local adult autism service - where I think you can access anyway and ask for a diagnosis if you don't go through doctor. 

My answer at 22.13 was my reply to your question at 22.09

I dont think you should say you have autism at this stage when you haven't even rang the doctors  but you could say that you are looking into this. Maybe use ur phone on notepad to make lists of things you are asked to do when cleaning. (This is what my son does due to bad memory and not listening or being forgetful). 


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I have training cards for that 

Abbey, when your mum thought you had Asperger's, did your GP just dismiss the idea completely or were you assessed by anyone?

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Doctor said I wasn't 

Thanks, Abbey. It's certainly not too late for you to be assessed, find out more and so on. It won't change anything overnight - if you  are found to be autistic/on the spectrum - but it could make a difference long-term.

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I guess not just hope I'm not I'm trouble now.

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