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What Shall I Do About This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 16:56 Tue 28th Nov 2023 | Jobs & Education
383 Answers

Yesterday I got a txt from my job at the care home to say there is no point doing 3 hours per week so will send my p45 and next week wages. Think I might have told you this but they reduced my hours from 30 to 9 hours per week I'm now in a cleaning job cleaning houses 21 hours per was longer Monday-Wednesday but I'm not sure about so hoping to do warehouse work.I regret my decision now to change my days in the care home. I've not had a good day today as supervisor giving me a hard time saying I haven't touched things when I've tried to clean them and it's bad cleaning she find it hard to believe I was a cleaner . They reckon I'm not listening but concentration is my weekness 



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There's no need to be disingenuous as well as rude ynnafimmy.

Who said i was being rude or disingenuous nma?

Unfortunately the rude remark was removed...but the disingenuous one remains. Let those who read make of it what they will.

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When I know if it going well I'll tell my mum

Abbey - please, please do everything you can to increase the chances of things going well! How you do in the next few days is  crucial.

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Of course also get Xmas off in this place

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Hate it 

I don't think there is much point in our advising you further...

Abbey, it's maybe possible that you will longer be there by Christmas anyway...

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Nor me ill stay as long as I need but obviously I don't think the care home would have been ice use either 

abbey- please pause after you type an answer and think "does it make sense?" and "should I add some punctuation?" before you submit the post

" Hate it "

What are you referring to? The laundry work? Not being able to tell your mum you're struggling to keep jobs? Your whole work situation?

Can you tell us about the laundry work - is it within a care home or a separate building where the house cleaning operation works?  What do you hate about it - how many people work there?

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New Nor me ill stay as long as I need  to but obviously I don't think the care home would have been use use either 

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New all of it

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Haz this is in a different job not in care home anymore. Folding, ironing and washing. So far I think I do bit didn't like staff having a go at me when I got it wrong 

17.21 Have you a reply Abbey?  It would give us Abers a better idea of where you are working now. x

Everyone has to learn, Abbey, and you can't give in after just one day.

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Haz in a cleaning company where they go cleaning houses and laundry in office 

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