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What Shall I Do?

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abbeylee90 | 15:04 Sun 14th Jul 2024 | Jobs & Education
315 Answers

I've deiced to make a new thread so I'm having trouble at work I been getting 37.5 hours per week but bow said they havent got the budget to pay me  overtime.I got 10 which is 2 hours per day which im not happy about. Before after my 2 week trial on the till they said they would give me my new contract I don't why they haven't unless because someone came back or after my probation. I'm also having trouble with a supervisor I don't think she likes me but she brought there have been issues with me scanning items wrong and they loosing stock. I don't feel respected.



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//One of my colleges said they should put me on a different department if I'm no good on till. //

Your colleague probably doesn't know and may just be saying what she thinks you want to hear. Ask your manager. They probably give priority to staff who've passed probation and are considered more experienced and reliable.

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This place I'm going for interview is 45 min bus ride 

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No she said kept in the dark just as much as me. Yes they been there for years.

//This place I'm going for interview is 45 min bus ride//

That's probably the average commuting time for most workers.  You need to make some sacrifices.

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On my 2nd bus 

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I had an email from the interview from other day to say I didn't get it.

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Been in hospital all night because I had a seizure.

Get well soon. A few hours away from the internet might help.

I assume you're not going in work today.

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I was and no

Let us know what they say when you ring in sick.


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I mean im not going in so I've ring in sick

Hopefully they managed without you for 2 hours. They want to chat to you about your sickness record though as that's two occasions in the last month or so. They were presumably aware of your issues with seizures, dyspraxia etc when you joined so they should be making allowances (although sadly I'm sure they can find a reason to reduce your hours further if they were harsh).

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They will. I presume it would be on my record. Who knows as when you have 3 sicks it's a discipline 

Yes, under the capability procedures.

You may not get as many replies going forwards on thsi thread abbey as it no longer appears on Latest Posts (because it's more than a month old).

You may want to start a new thread if you want to talk about sickness procedures or new job applications.

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