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Do I Tell People Who Don't Already Know About Selco?

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abbeylee90 | 19:30 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
65 Answers

Not everyone in my life knows I work in selco, I didn't tell them incase it didn't work out, what do I do now?



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Abbey, you say you were 'promised' the hours -but there was never anything in writing, at any time, about that. Your boss maybe hoped that you'd do well enough to be taken on full-time, but events changed that (one of them being the company cutting back on your 'overtime'.)

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A colleuge said my boss probably would have fought for me by saying not to cut my hours but deputy store manager probably said to cut my hours and criticising people going sick lately which was out of my hands.

Abbey, it might be reassuring to you to come up with various scenarios - but I am sure you know it doesn't actually matter! What is important is that you move on, try to find yourself a full-time job that you can manage, and maybe even like. PS Don't even bother looking at jobs that are too far away, there's no point in torturing yourself! 


Your showers were cut before you started being 'sick'.

You were hired for 10 hours and they tried to give you hours for whatever reason it hasn't worked out.

stop listening to colleagues and ask a manager what is going to happen!

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All a manager tells me is that there's a ban on overtime.

They've not cut your hours- they just haven't increased them.  If they really valued you and wanted you they'd find a way, but they have said you have shortcomings and haven't passed probation.  Just smell the coffee and accept how it is or come up with a plan to deal with it (including leaving).

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Doesn't failing probation mean they be sacking me?

Abbye, how long was/is your probationary period? Have they discussed it at all, said when it's reviewed and so on? You said other employees had had their probation extended. That could happen to you - but if you're still going to be doing only 10 hours a week, then you surely wouldn't stay?

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No nothing has been said 

Abbey, did you ask when you started, or at any point since? You must know something about probation as you've discussed it with colleagues, you mentioned others having their probation etxended. 

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They said 6 months probation  and as soon as my boss was back off holiday they would give me 37 hours contract.

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Is it ok to say in an interview 'I enjoy mu job but not enough hours'?

Abbey, that sounds reasonable enough when applied to your Selco job, but would be no use if you're asked why you've had so many jobs in a comparatively short period of time. Still, maybe the interviewer will ask only about your current position and your reason for leaving that one.

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I said and some were temp positions.


You fibbed then?

DDIL, I've known people to tell worst fibs.  


Good Morning Naomi,

But we are not talking about other people.

This is Abbeylee's thread.

Good morning, DDIL.  It's fair to make comparisons when someone is under scrutiny.  

-- answer removed --

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