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Do I Tell People Who Don't Already Know About Selco?

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abbeylee90 | 19:30 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
65 Answers

Not everyone in my life knows I work in selco, I didn't tell them incase it didn't work out, what do I do now?



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Tell them.

If you think they will be interested, tell them ....  I am sure, by now, friends and family know you frequently move from job to job.

Do nothing.  You don't owe anyone an explanation.  

Are you still pretending that you work somewhere else? It is easier to just tell the truth.

Is there some kind of problem working in Selco, are you afraid people who know you think you'll give them a massive discount?

Question Author

My closest friends family know but not people I don't see very often.

Good Evening,

is there any point? You will be moving on soon.

If you don't see them very often then why bother?

Am I missing something?

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My enclosed family and friends I see most know or if I meet anyone new.

Oh my.

What does it matter if they know or not?  You are going for an interview for another job soon anyway.  What are you going to wear, have you decided? 

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No and I haven't got one yet but just incase as I've applied for loads today 

Don bother telling anyone about selco then.

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If an interviewer asks why have I had all these jobs, what do I say?

You say,"I haven't found one suitable but for the first time I have a very positive feeling about this one."

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What one?


The one you're interviewing for when you get asked that question.

Question Author

Oh I see thank you.

Heads tell them, Tails don't.

Or if you're not happy with that, Tails tell them, Heads don't.

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Do I Tell People Who Don't Already Know About Selco?

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