Labour Doing A Good Job. in The AnswerBank: News
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Labour Doing A Good Job.

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gulliver1 | 17:58 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | News
41 Answers

Not only is Sir Keir Starmer doing such a wonderful job steering the UK towards re/joining the EU .He is now about to re/introduce Nationalisation starting with the Railways Next step.  Water Companies then the Electric Companies .Lets get rid of all the fat cats that Thatcher created.😎

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Should this be in the jokes section?

bhg481 - It certainly doesn't belong in the News section, simply  being yet another pick at other ABers.


Labour have had a very poor start. Starmer is not doing a good job.   
We are NOT rejoing the EU during this parliament (5 years).   
The nationalise British Rail was terrible, especially for users, it would be madness to return to that.   
Water and Gas and Electricity are failing consumers, but the Government have no money to do anything about that.

I'm so looking forward to the rail system coming to a complete mess - it's bad enough already with strikes, engines packing up and, even worse, the number of cancellations 'because we have no crews available'. 

Then we have power cuts to come - and also more pollution, just like what's been discharged into Lake Windermere this month......then no gas as we aren't prepared to develop fields or afford imports to keep us going. Welcome to Paradise, you Brits......

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At least Starmer will get the trains running on time, and stop the price of the tickets forever increasing..Whoo Hoo.

Dream on

Gulliver '“Real life is often something like books,” a E. Nesbitt quote. 'Dream on'.


/At least Starmer will get the trains running on time, and stop the price of the tickets forever increasing..Whoo Hoo./ won't matter eveyone but the government will have frozen to death in the dark..

Do you catch a lot of UK trains gulliver1 ?  
Nationalisation will not solve punctuality, and high fare without putting in massive subscidies, and Labour don't have any money to do that.


// the government will have frozen to death in the dark //

I doubt anyone will freeze to death in the winter, especially the big knobs in Labour.

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Labour have to recover from the £22 billion black hole the Tories left behind. Bet the Tories  are glad they lost the election now because it would not  have taken many more months at the way they were milking the system before the UK Actually went Bankrupt.

I agree, Gulliver, as on the train-set that he has set up in the attic of Number Ten and Eleven - with wax effigies of Mike Lynch and Sharon Graham et al. to hand.....

I haven't laughed so much in ages. Gully should do Edinburgh.

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If it ain't hurting it ain't working .It's going to take a long time to recover from all the milking and trousering of taxpayers money from the Tories over the past 14 years. Fasten your seat belts you taxpayers you  are in for a bumpy ride to recover the debt Boris, Truss and Sunak left behind as they went skipping over the sunny uplands and left joe public to pick up the pieces.

Didn't a previous Labour government leave a note for the incoming Tories saying something like "there is no money left"

So you predict a long period of austery, but you are very happy that it is Labour austerity.

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Please stay with the topic of my post and stop the insults otherwise some of you will be reported to the Mods..ok.

This is the Answerbank News Section. Dear oh dear. What has happened to this site? 

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