History Degrees..... in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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History Degrees.....

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sleepincutie | 21:23 Sat 14th Jan 2006 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
I'll be starting Uni (hopefully) in about a year and a half and really would like to do a history degree....i've been looking at York, Warwick and Durham Universities and was wondering if anybody knows from experience which others are good for History? x x x
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I did mine at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) in Preston and they have an excellent History faculty, especially for American History.
It all depends on what type of history you want to study. I would say places like Durham would teach a more 'traditional' history (as would most of the older red brick uni's) where as at the old polys you would get a more social history slant. I know York do a bit of both (big on Railway history!) and Warwick is quite well known for its politics and history.
Speaking from experience my history degree, because it was in Manchester, focussed heavily on industrial history and radical politics and i'm guessing Dot's was quite similiar (i have a friend who works in the library at UCLAN btw Dot!).
I think it is important to focus on what era or type of History you want to focus on when looking for a course (its a very big subject!). There is nothing worse than studying bits of history you have no interest in.
I went to UEA, Norwich and the choice is vast as they have an excellent variety of well respected lecturers and a 5** rating for the department. I was able to mix up my study with a vast range of eras and topics. Check out the school of history website.

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