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Pay query

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rachelzander | 17:27 Wed 01st Feb 2006 | Jobs & Education
8 Answers

Hi there,

Please help...I recently started a new job but ending it after two days as I felt the job wasnt for me nor was it doing my children any good. I made them aware of this but still to this day...a month later...i have not recieved my wage nor a wage slip. Surely this cant be right can it? How do i go about getting my money? I have made 5 requests now including one in writing



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they dont have to pay you if you left after such a short period of time. you let them down by leaving the job and you cant expect them to pay the price again. its a sacrifice you made by not giving appropriate notice.

you've lost the chance of wages im afraid

I presume you didn't work any notice so you probably owe them money!

My sister once started a job at a dog stadium where I worked after she had her son. She was exhausted after two nights and said that she was really sorry but she couldn't continue. She never went back. When I next went in to work they gave me an envelope with her pay in it. She wasn't expecting it as she only worked two nights for a few hours so I just suppose it depends on whether they are decent enough people.

How about contacting somewhere like your local jobcentre as they will know your rights to this money.

Hope this helps

As others have said, I think you would be lucky to get paid if you are in breach of your contract. Depending on the level of your job, it would be usual for you to give at least one week's notice. Unless your old employer is particularly charitable, the fact that you broke your contract of employment possibly means you waived your right to the money.
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Can i still be in breach of a contract if I they never got round to getting one signed? Also I left as they had no work for me whilst been there.!?

I am partly playing devil's advocate here, so don't take it the wrong way.

1. If you did not sign a contract, in what sense are they obliged to pay you? You were not technically an employee. I can see why they have not paid you to date given that they'd only put you on the payroll when you sign the contract.

2. Why should they pay you when, by your own admission, you did not actually do any work? If they paid you, what would they be paying you for?

It might be best talking to a CAB if there is one near. I think I would personally chalk this one up to experience and make sure that the next job I applied to, I had researched it and asked lots of questions if unsure. Fight for the money if you have to, but weighing up the time and effort this could involve (time you could be spending with your children), could work against you.

Good luck whatever you decide.

Try contacting a Citizens Advice Bureau or a Law Centre (if you are in England). I think they should pay you for the days you worked. After all, during probation, usually both parties can terminate without notice. An employer does not have to provide you with work to do, but they still have to pay you! Anyway, I am pretty certain they have to pay you for those two days, and it is possible that a letter from a Law Centre will do the trick.
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hi guys, just to let you know, i have received my two days pay from the company and a wage slip after i put it in writing. They did however pay me �1 less an hour than what was agreed. thanks

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