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stylinsam | 10:31 Wed 10th May 2006 | Jobs & Education
39 Answers

this morning my boss has given me a verbal warning for not making him acup of tea. he said he doesnt like being made a fool of in front of customers (as i said no to him in front of a customer) and if you dont like it you no what you can do.

i am being unfairly treated or his he aloud to give me a verbal warning for a stupid thing like this??



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Im amazed he didnt sack you! Did you really tell him what he could do?
Is this a trick question...?
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no he told me me if i dont like it you no what you can do sorry 4 the confusion

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right let me start again

i wouldnt make my boss a cup of tea so he gave me a verbal warning beacuse i said i wouldnt make him a cup of tea (whilst a customer was there) my boss then told me i had a verbal warning and he said"if you dont like it you no what you can do"

oh,i see! why wouldnt you make him a cup of tea?
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cos im not a tea maker and i was busy i wasnt even near the kettle i was at my desk working

Right! Do you often make the tea? Or was this him being a bit ar$ey in front of customers?
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yes he makes me make him one every morning im not id PA but i stuck up for myself this morning and cos it was in front of a customer he thought he would give me a warning

Sheesh - I don't think he has a leg to stand on here. Are 'tea-making duties' in your contract? I doubt it. Sounds like he's feeling undermined and is now throwing his weight around as a result.
fair enough if you didn't want to make the tea but I would've done it anyway as it doesn't look very professional to row in front of a client - from either you or your boss!!
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yes but this is a regular customer and he nos how are workplace works he is sound

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no making tea is not in my job description

I agree with helliebobs.

Arguing for the sake of it - over making the tea which you make every morning - seems pointless. Especially with your boss.

There are far better ways to address an issue than doing it needlessly in front of customers.

Thats not the point, it doesn't matter who or how "sound" the customer is, you should have been professional, made the tea and the discussed the incident with your boss when the customer had left.

Sorry Sam,

Its perhaps a bit petty for him to give you a verbal warning but TBH i dont think you can complain if you were refusing in front of his client and hes your boss.

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so i gather you lot like being made the tea makers then cos i certainly dont im not being made a fool of either never mind my boss. he comes in and the first thing he says make me a drink

now you tell me why i should i would of applied to be the tea lady if thats what i wanted to do all day

Is your job description spend all day on AB :-)
I'm assuming you are very young...?
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im 20

You don't say whether he asked politely or demanded that you made tea. Either way I think you should have done it - in & out of the workplace people have to do things that aren't their job.

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