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flat feet

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babalicious | 21:15 Thu 11th May 2006 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
my doctor has just told me i have flat feet and has refered me to a specialist. had sore feet now for about 4 weeks now just wondered if anyone could give me any info on flat feet, what the specialists will do and any thing i can do to help myself!?


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The medical term for flat feet is plano valgus. It might help wearing wide fitting shoes or a comfortable pair of trainers until you see the surgeon? He'll probably refer you on to the orthotics dept for prescription of an arch support to wear in your shoes. Hope this helps a bit - poor you!

I have flat feet, I don't wear arch supports because I found them uncomfortable, but years ago, I was given exercises which have helped enormously, and because of this, I walk and run normally, it is just conciously going 'heel to toe', when standing or walking, and eventually, you don't even think about it, it just comes naturally. but as the post below says, you do need to see an Orthopedic. Good Luck.

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