Hi - I'm finding myself in a very difficult position at work which is totally beyond my control and I need to speak to someone about my rights. Does anyone know which union if any I could approach - I am an independent school's secretary. I have the full backing of the head of school - the issue is with one of the governors.
I think Unison would be your best bet. If you can't find them in the phone book, try ringing another school in your area for details of a local rep, as most non teaching staff in schools belong to this union.
Good luck.
Many thanks - I'll have a look at both options. Interesting that union may not be much use if not recognised by employer - I didn't know that. And that's one of the problems I'm experiencing - if I told you I had been told not to wear trousers (as in suit and jacket not casual) to work and had to wear a skirt you may get an idea of what I'm up against.
I'm not a raging feminist at all - there are other issues that I don't want to go into on a public board as who knows who is a member of this site! The skirt wearing is the minor issue but the rest are on the same gist. Sexism is alive and well in some sectors.
I think you'll find that Unison is only for people employed in the public sector. Staff in state schools would qualify, but it wouldn't cover those working in independent schools. Try ACAS to see of there's a suitable trade union for you to join:
Unison have members in independent schools and the voluntary sector. I strongly recommend you join a union as they can act as a buffer between you and your employer and have the knowledge to act on your behalf.