I had a job interview last Friday...the woman that interviewed me said she would let me know one way or the other early this week, early to me is Mon-Weds, do I take it i've been unsuccessful?
there was someone majorly flirting on a b and s thread the other night and the vicar was contributing to it...the word hypocritical passed my lips lol....anyways...
The word ciao is colloquial (pronounced "chow" and iao /tʃao/) is an informal Italian verbal salutation or greeting, meaning either "goodbye" or "hello".
never realised you were bi laurence lol...is that what your train does? toots on the hour?
and yes I was smug and yes I may have told my colleague lol, but only the one I trust to keep quiet...she asked me to keep an eye out for a vacancy there for her lol
I've worked out that if I resign next weekend that even if she expects me to do another weekend after that its still not clocks back time lol....stuff the fact when they went forward i worked 7 and got paid for 8 lol
Tell me next time you're cooking lunch...we'll pop round lol, our teens can moan about us together lol
She is actually...bless, she looked quite sad last night...but hey she can have my work blouses now lol
I don't cook at weekends cos I'm so tired after work...good excuse huh? Himself does it...guess that'll all change when I'm back on days...the kids prefer it if I cook lol