I happen to share my office with three people
one director and two managers. Whene they are out am I supposed to act as their secretary?
I do not mind answering the phone once in a blue moon, but I would not liek to turn into their pa (the director has one pa anayway)
what do you do when your colleagues phone is ringing and he/she is not there?
Depends what it says in your job description or contract. Doesn't do any harm to help out and answer the phone if its ringing, unless its going to affect your work. If it doesnt ring that often I'd answer it, if it rings all the time then just answer a few calls and let the rest go to voicemail
I work on my own but I wouldn't even walk past a ringing phone without picking it up. It's called customer service. And I work in the public sector which is not renowned for service. I think your employer and their customers expect somebody to answer the phone. Is there a problem with the type of work you do which makes it difficult?