Aswell as the fact that the heating comes through the ceiling of the school, non of the three halls are big enough for the whole school to congregate, is that silly or what?
Plus at the moment there are only years 9, 10 and 11 with some 6th formers, but because the middle schools are closing down, there will soon be years 7 and 8 but no 6th formers.
At the moment you can just about fit a year group into the drama studio, if extra chairs are put out (there are about 100 fixed, folding chairs.) Also, houses can have assemblies aswell, and because a house is a quarter of the school, my house at least can fit in without extra chairs, but if they almsot double in size, i don't think even a house will fit in to have an assembly.
What were the architects and builders thinking of? Can the whole school fit into a hall of a high school you know of?
SChools need to maximise the use of space available. Can one justify haveinga hall that accommodates maybe a 1000 people but is used for only a tiny fraction of teh school day? Not really. It's better to use as much space as possible for classrooms since these are used almost all day.
Building funds are limited so difficult decisions have to be made.
But a good design could get round this sometimes by having a hall with partitions so it can be split into smaller drama studios, dining areas, small gyms etc
My experience was similar to Eddi's, my school was built for 200 people but in the baby boomer era there were 600 pupils. Whay are you exercising yourself about this, molly? you do seem to fret about things you can do nothing about, it seems rather a waste of your energies to me!
Have you looked up your school on the internet or looked in its archives, if you are really interested? If it's not that old there might be records still.
Bloody hell Eddie your school sounds grim.
I went to an all-girl grammar with approximately 600 pupils and 30-32 to a class.....and yes, we could all fit in the hall for assembly.
There's nothing on the website, plus like i said, it was designed for about 700-750 students, like there are presently, so the whole school has never been able to fit in the hall.
Does the whole school need to fit in the hall? Our school could just about squeeze one year group into the hall and there was never a problem with that.
Did you not agree with my previous answer mollykins?
Most secondary schools can't fit everyone in the hall at teh same time. Space is expensive. Why have a large room that is used only a few minutes a day. Would you rather have a big hall and smaller classrooms?
my daughters school has 2'500 pupils and there are always lacks of space, they tend to stagger assemblies for certain year groups to accommodate the lack of space.
Yes but the school has 4 halls, non of which are all used at the same time, and one of them, the concourse can only be used at break and lunch as there are fixed tables with chairs.
But if it was designed and built this way there's not much they can do now really. What about when there are exams going on, one hall (I assume) would be used for these and then still need others free for PE, assemblies, if a teacher decides they want to use the hall instead of a classroom.
sophie, the two sports halls are in the sports block which is completely away from the main school, when even one is in sue for exams, noone can do pe inside.
Carrot and factor, remember though we have four halls but non of them big enough. Why not have designed it so that the drama studio and concourse are one large hall, with movable seats and tables? Its very rare that they are both needed for different things, at the same time.